Monday, October 24, 2011

Steampunk WIP

So on goSupermodel I was working on a magazine where I can show off all of my wardrobe "looks" and I wanted to do a page entirely for steampunk looks. (I would really love a SP collection soon.)
I needed a background for the looks to be amazing so I started in painterX and got totally angry because it wasn't doing what I wanted which was photoshop. Painter is great I just need to spend more time with it and be less about expectations.
Going back to my tried and true markers, I felt much more at home and ready to tackle my plan. I'm rustier than the titanic but this is a start.
I really need to draw more lol. On the plus side, I just had a bunch of designs released for "fall fashion week" people were able to buy and also win exclusive designs by moi, as well as some of the other JDs.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sketch dump

Some kpop inspired stuff. Some gosupermodel inspired stuff. Other than this, all I've been working on are designs for GSM. and moving! new location should hopefully mean more art??
it's whatever.